The Periodic Journal


I took part in a panel discussion about independent publishing, offering a zine perspective on the whole deal. Had a cold and kept loosing my train of thought but the other wonderful panelists kept it chugging along (Natasha Mead, Leyla Tweedie-Cullenand and Warren Olds, Jereme Aubertin couldn't make it). 

The Periodic Journal is a beautiful (and free!!) publication which is put together by Natasha Mead and her pals, more on them here


Pecha Kucha done!


Here I am delivering my 3 and a half minutes of speech, out of shot is my shaky leg, I get a bit nervous when public speaking.

Here is Linda finishing up our segment, we're both a bit tall for the light, in shadowy darkness. The photos are from Rachel on the Pecha Kucha facebook page