I'm taking part in Seed Gallery's annual Christmas exhibition again, this year we have 10 star shapes to turn into artworks. I've taken my starting point from the name Seeing Stars, thinking about the patterns you see when you rub your eyes, and have created a different pattern for each star.
They all have quite a summery mood to them, some are based on recognisable objects and others are more abstract. It's reawakened my love for pattern making, there is something about making a rule but only following it loosely which I really love, want to do more pattern stuff in future!
Anyway, here is a selection, I had to cut them up to stick them onto the stars so now I only have shards of painting left. If you want to buy a star come along to the exhibition details above.
She Sells.
Lemon Pepper
Dizzy Spell
Picnic Spot.
Produce Aisle.